Windsor CT Wet Meet, Saturday June 21st 2008 Great Scott, What A Meet! By Cliff & Bruce The weather could not have been better for Barbara and Ray S’s third year of hosting a meet at the Barber Street boat ramp in Windsor CT. Bright sun and temperatures in the 70’s made it a great day to make waves with old outboards out on the Connecticut River. Despite the high cost of gas there was a record turn out with over 65 members officially signed in. All of the New England states were represented and a number of people from NY and NJ also attended. Bob and Louise G from PA typically get the long distance award but this year Henry C. was the winner coming all the way from TN! Henry was visiting his dad and displaying at the Wooden Boat Show at Mystic Seaport later in the week. He brought his beautiful restored canoe and Chris Craft Challenger - everyone enjoyed meeting him! During the winter host Ray S. worked on a 1953 Scott Atwater Gold Pennant 10hp, an unusually styled, one-year only motor. Discussions of Ray’s project revealed a great deal of interest among Yankee Chapter members in Scott Atwater motors and associated brands. As a result, Scott Atwater outboards became the theme for Ray’s meet this year. There was a great turnout of Scott made motors and particularly the private label outboards. The post-war Firestones were out in force with 5hp and 7.5hp models being the most numerous. See the photos and commentary below regarding the boats & motors seen at the meet. This section of the Connecticut River is a great place to run and explore. Several members made long-distance trips, Richard & Michelle G. and our gang ventured up the Farmington River, a tributary to the Connecticut. We also explored a few islands but sadly the kids did not find any buried pirate or Native American treasure… Due to frequent flooding most of the river in the area above the launch ramp is completely devoid of buildings or any sign of humans at all! On a nice day such as we had it is breathtaking, it looks much the same as the river must have appeared 100, 250, 500 or even 1,000 years ago! Going downstream from the ramp the Hartford skyline is very pretty to check out and has improved immeasurably over the past few years. Having the Scott theme got people motivated to overhaul, repair & dust off their Scott Atwater motors. Among certain people in the AOMCI Scott Atwater outboards have a stigma as being unreliable and "quirky". However, during the 9 hours this writer was at the meet viewing dozens of Scott-made motors being run, none of them were observed being towed in! Two boats did need rescuing and endured the "tow of shame" back to the ramp - inquiring minds may ask what outboard make were they?? Let’s just say that ECK may be responsible for the thunderstorm that came through later that night! A tremendous thanks to Barbara and Ray for hosting a wonderful meet and providing the fine Dunkin’ Donuts coffee, donuts and other goodies. Thanks to Rich & Michelle G., Rusty M. and Norm W. for the photo tour below.
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