Yankee Chapter: Making Waves With Old Outboards

Help Us

While we're not exactly sending out an SOS in this section, there are lots of ways the Yankee Chapter could use the help of its members. "Well gosh, how can I help" you ask. Some ways are pretty easy and some a bit more involved so read below to learn more. Maybe one of the ideas will get your imagination reved up.

General web content

Got a neat photo, cartoon, outboard story, or something else you'd like to share with club members? Well, don't be shy...send it in! See the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page.

New meets

Certainly, one of the finest parts of being a member of the Yankee Chapter is attending meets along with other old iron aficionados. Over the years, meets have been crucial towards cultivating interest among new members and helping keep the fires burning for so many of us. Hosting a meet is a lot of work, and over the past year, some of our meet hosts have decided to retire from hosting and go back to simply enjoying meets, or they've headed for warm weather and year-round engine fun. What this means is the Yankee Chapter is looking to replace 2 meets in particular;

Bill ran one heck of a meet, but decided Florida in January might be a tad nicer than New England. After many years, it was tough to say so long to that meet, but naturally we all wish him and family a happy life down South.

Like sighting your first robin, Walt & Maureen's meet was a sure sign that spring was coming. Their meet offered the most outstanding swap opportunities, and with Maureen and her sister teaming up, food that could not be beat. While their neighbors may not miss their meet, all of us members sure will.

To these fine folks, thank you for all the years of hosting meets.

So, do we have any members willing to pick up the torch and create new meets to help fill our schedule? If you have some ideas or would like to put together a meet, contact the chapter President through the webmaster on this site at the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of this page.

This Very Site

This site was put together with input from club members, but it's still very much a work-in-progress. We'd like to hear from members about other features they would like to see on the site, and any comments about the site.

You can also volunteer to be a correspondent/photographer for a meet and see your work posted online!

The site was designed to add to the Yankee Chapter, not compete with the National AOMCI site which does a fine job. We do not plan to add a message board, or webvertize feature.

Please send comments and ideas to the webmaster.

Feeding the Piggy Bank

We all like to hang onto our hard earned dollars just in case we happen across that Waterman outboard at a tag sale, but as with most things, running the club does take money. It doesn't take a ton of money, but it is important to replenish the till from time to time. With that in mind, we'd just like to remind our members that by joining the national AOMCI, you are a Yankee member with no dues. However, we would like to encourage all our members to do a few small things to help keep the club in healthy financial shape.

1 - When attending a formal meet, please be sure you contribute $5.00 per member family. That $5.00 adds up for the Chapter and helps cover expenses. If everyone contributes, everyone has done their share.

2 - When a meet holds a 50/50 raffle, please pitch in and participate. You may win a couple of bucks and it helps out the club.

3 - When attending a meet at someone's house, please pitch in $5.00 for the host per club tradition. We've all been known to enjoy some wonderful home cookin' at meets, and feeding a big group can be a costly affair. Also, as a practical matter, be sure to sign in. It makes it that much easier for your host to plan for the following year if they know how many people to expect. You wouldn't want them to run out of food, would you? ;-)

4 - Try and come up with some interesting fundraising ideas for the chapter.

Yankee Chapter: Making Waves With Old Outboards


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