Yankee Chapter: Making Waves With Old Outboards


Ruell E.
Grand Isle, Vermont

I have been in the club since 1996. I like to collect the Johnson QD series (1949 to 1963, 10hp) motors. I have a few Clintons and numerous Gale made Seakings. My collection hovers around 40 motors or so. One of the motors, a restored 1946 Elgin aircooled engine hangs on the wall in my foyer! A 1957 Feathercraft Ranger II is the test "mule" for the motors. I have been employed at IBM for 20+ years.

Chuck W.
Arlington, Vermont

I have been collecting old motors since the early 90s. My collection currrently includes about 30 motors. My passion is Mercury motors. I have 20 Merc motors, including three KG7Hs, (one is a Q), a Mark 20H, a KG4Q, a Mark 15 racer, a 25SSh and a 25Mod motor. The collection also includes a KG7, KE7, two KE4s, a Mark 5, two Mark 25s, a Mark 20, Mark 15 and a KD3, as well as a 110 long shaft. In addition, there are motors of other makes. The oldest is a 1928 Evinrude Fleetwin. I have several motors that I ran as a child (Elto Pal, TD20, 50s Fleetwin, 56 Sportwin.)

All of this is a great pleasure since I want to preserve and restore motors that are a part of our history. I am a history teacher so I guess that is the reason for my interest. If anyone is in southern Vermont and wants to see the collection and talk old motors, give me a call at 802 375-6737

Yankee Chapter: Making Waves With Old Outboards


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