Yankee Chapter: Making Waves With Old Outboards


New Hampshire

Jim M .
New Hampshire

My lifelong interest in outboarding began at age 9 when my father purchased a 1951 1.5 hp Evinrrude Sportsman and an 8' Duratech aluminum dinghy. We spent many happy hours exploring the waters of Southwestern Virginia and Southern Maryland. We even ventured out onto the Chesapeak bay on one occasion.

Later in life I made contact with the AOMC through a college roomate who raced APBA class B Stock hydro in the 1960s. I joined AOMC around 1981. Over the years my antique outboard interests have range to almost every imaginable brand. My current main interests are Elgins and Clintons. There seems to be no rational reason for this, except that the 1950s were my "wonder years" and Clinton lawn mowers and Sears products were very popular then.

Although I enjoy collecting and restoring motors, my real interest is in running them on my 12' transom canoe, especially with other members. The picture, provided by club member "TC", shows what I like doing best.

Jim doing what he loves best!






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