Mystic CT Antique Marine Engine Expo Display - August 19-20 2006 This was the 15th year for the fabulous Mystic Antique Engine Expo and the 15th time the Yankee Chapter of the AOMCI has displayed there. This show is a celebration of all mechanical marine propulsion from the earliest steam engines right up to gigantic diesel tugboat engines. Also included is a fantastic display of working model boats & engines, even a few toy & model outboards! The displays are almost 100% active, with all kinds of engines running, thumping, wheezing and farting all day long! Pure heaven for those of us into this type of thing. About 15 members and Seaport contributors took part in the outboard motor display tent. Outboards play a prominent and populist part of the exposition and over 100 motors from 1898 to 1961 were displayed. Norm W. brought his newly restored Mark 10 that was drop dead gorgeous. There was a nice display of mini-motors (Elto Cubs, Pals, Aces) from Warren K. Dave S. had his mint Monarch S/N #1 and Johnson 300 among others. And host Gary M. had his cool Quad and Electric Start Lockwood on display. There was even a home-made steam outboard on display! I can't even start to remember all the other motors shown. The Seaport also supplies test barrels and, (on the river), a sturdy wooden skiff so outboards can be actively demonstrated. Members Bob Z (Evinrude 3hp) and Bob T. (everything from a Caille 5spd to a '24 Johnson A), put a lot of hours on their motors in the test tanks. Bob T. also ran his Evinrude RBM on the skiff out on the Mystic River. Harry & I also offered rides with my TN-28 and Harry's CD-18. We get a lot of inquiries from visitors to the Seaport about old outboards and handed out membership information on the AOMCI. A special thanks to Yankee Chapter Member Gary M. for coordinating everything with the Seaport. These were two fun filled days with lots to see and do, Mystic Seaport runs a first-class event every year - I can hardly wait for next year to do it again! Thanks to Hurricane Harry, Norm W., Rod C. and Ray S. for the photos.
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