Yankee Chapter: Making Waves With Old Outboards


Charleton MA Meet - April 1, 2006

Carl R. and his wife sponsored their 10th swap-meet at their lovely home on April 1st. Carl gave each of the first 5 members who showed up a 1907 Waterman as a gift (Okay, that's not true, but it was April Fool's day!)

About 45 members from MA, CT, RI, NH and even ME showed up with TONS of stuff. The swapping was fierce, I think almost everyone left with more stuff than they brought! (How is that possible??) Motors, literature and info was flying all day long. At lunch our hosts served a fabulous meal.

A tour of Carl's shop, collection and models was enjoyed by all. The younger set (and some of us older types) were awed by the Lego village that Carl's son constructed.

The day wore on and the sun broke through pushing temperatures to touch almost 70 degrees!

Thanks to Joe R. for the photos!

The yard...
was full...
of good stuff!
Jim M and Doug P. talking
Dan T's stuff for sale
Walt L. meets the Zipps
One side of Gary M's motors for sale...
and the other
Talking motors
Frank's Wizard
Little '58 3 ran all day in the tank...
with no fuss or bother!
Our hosts Feathercraft
And its '57 Javelin - arguably the most beautiful outboard ever built!
Carl's freshly restored '55 RD
What's this, a Merc???
Some of the models on display
And a few more...
The kids loved the Lego village set up in the basement
Plenty of boats & outboards for the mini-figs to use!
Who's motor??
Deb's new boat
A wild ride!!!

If you have photos from this meet and would like to share them, please email them to the webmaster.


Yankee Chapter: Making Waves With Old Outboards

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