Yankee Chapter: Making Waves With Old Outboards

Georgetown MA Wet Meet, Saturday March 6th 2010


Larry Conners hosted his 3rd annual Georgetown MA swap meet on March 6th 2010. In addition to all the great swapping, Larry requested members come forward to give a brief presentation and discussion on their favorite motors. This was really well received and went about an hour.

Thanks to Larry C for hosting the meet and Jim M. for providing the photos.

Clean Gale 5hp of undetermined make
Nice Evinrude Sportsman
Firestone & Sea King jumble!
Looks like we have (L to R) '35-6 Evinrude Sportsman, Waterwich air-cooled single, '52 Sportsman 3.3 and 1960 Lightwin 3hp
Good swap stuff!
"Late model" Oliver 6hp!
Dick P. & Wayne B. chat about Wayne's Waterwich collection
Merc, Evinrude Ranger, Scott-made pre-war Champion and a British Seagull,
Mark 25
Think this rig is called a Power Pole and sports a small O&R engine - please email the editor if you have more details
The Truman Administration's budget cut-backs for the Navy were just ridiculous!
Tailgate: Pre-War Evinrude Sportwin, Scott 3.6, Evinrude Sportsman
Next row: Firestone 3.6 (restored), Elgin 5hp and 1964? Evinrude Lightwin 3hp
Two of Matt M's electrics: LeJay (1946?) and My-te
Bob Z demonstrating Johnson A-35 Light Twin
Doug P. discussing the best way to toss your Mighty Mite when it won't run!
Restored Jim M. and his 1934 Evinrude Lightwin with rotary valve
Bill A's Gary M and his Caille Model 79
Phil T. and his 1931 Johnson OA-55 - an unusual Depression era Johnson


Yankee Chapter: Making Waves With Old Outboards




































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