Yankee Chapter: Making Waves With Old Outboards

Lowell MA 2009

Yankee Chapter Fall Frolic Meet
By Jim Moffatt

The Yankee chapter Fall Frolic meet was held October 11, 2009 in Lowell, MA. This was a typical Yankee meet with motors present from the teens to the 1960s. We strive to have a relaxed, informal and welcoming atmosphere at our meets. Our members are our greatest resource and they treated us all to another awesome day of antique/classic outboarding!

This year the meet featured Elgin motors and they were well represented. Several of the pictures show the Elgin displays. But all motors were welcomed and encouraged and there was a good showing of early row boat motors, big iron and 50/60s classics. There were also many classic boat/motor setups.

We were pleased to welcome over 31 members from New England and as far away as Nova Scotia, Maryland and New York state. Special thanks to Matt Malloy for taking the photos.

Nice Elgin 2hp owned by Larry C.
Elgin SIG Leader Jim M's display of Elgin restoration supplies an how-to
Lineup of Elgins members brought, ran and displayed at the meet
Phil's misbehaving Oliver 15hp - it sure looks great!
Evinrude ('29 Speeditwin?)
Penn Yann, fishing gear and KF-5 were just beautiful
All the V-45 needs to run is a starter rope!
Beautiful restored QD-14
It was Ken's and now it's Rusty's - still a beautiful Big Twin!
The sign says it all, a very nice restoration!
Tom's Lockwood RBM ran great!
This rig may have been overpowered for the river!
"Pinky" is a great restoration
1956 Elgin 5 1/2 - one of my favorites!

Yankee Chapter: Making Waves With Old Outboards


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