Host TC Carder had a warm but nice day for the Hooksett NH meet at the new launch ramp in back of the court house. About 25 members participated, everything from boats and seaplanes to rowing sculls showed up at this ramp! Motors from the teens to the 60`s were run and a good time was had by all. Thanks to TC for finding this great site, doing the work to get the permits, comfort station and set-up. Also thanks to Jim M for assisting TC and getting the word out on the meet. Keith and Kevin M. made another video of the meet and you can watch it on U-Tube with the appropriate windows software, here is the link: Hooksett Meet Video 6/2/07 This is a great new addition to our meet coverage - A SPECIAL THANKS TO THEM FOR DOING IT! Thanks to Matt M for the write-up of the meet and the photos below!
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